Disconnected: Places and Spaces presents new survey findings that suggest Americans are less connected than ever before. Continue Reading →
Survey report May 28, 2024
An Unsettled Electorate: How Uncertainty and Apathy Are Shaping the 2024 Election

A survey of more than 6,500 US adults focused on the 2024 presidential election reveals a pessimistic and unsettled American electorate fractured by education, ideology, class, and gender. Continue Reading →
Survey report September 14, 2023
The Social Workplace: Social Capital, Human Dignity, and Work in America, Volume II

The Social Workplace, Volume II examines Americans’ expectations and experiences surrounding work, the workplace, and key job-related priorities such as pay and interpersonal connections. Continue Reading →
In the wake of the pandemic, the increase in both dog attacks and individual antisocial behavior seems to be a consequence of our deteriorating social capital. Continue Reading →
Americans are trapped in a loneliness epidemic. Across the country, people are having fewer social interactions, spending more time alone, and reporting fewer close friends. Continue Reading →
Commentary December 16, 2022
Women are More Likely to Make Friends at Work than Men. Here’s Why that Matters

Research shows that the more friends we have, the less likely we are to be depressed or anxious, and work friendships boost productivity and worker retention Continue Reading →
New data suggests gender and education are the difference between liking and loving your job. But there’s a price to be paid. Continue Reading →
Survey report October 25, 2022
The Social Workplace: Social Capital, Human Dignity, and Work in America

Over the past two decades, American social and civic life has been on an undeniable downward trajectory. New research finds that the workplace remains an increasingly important generator of social capital in the wake of this civic contraction. Continue Reading →