The August 2021 American Perspectives Survey explores how much say parents and partisans believe parents, teachers, and legislators should have in deciding what is taught in public schools. Continue Reading →
Even as gay and lesbian issues have slipped from national headlines, public attitudes on LGBTQ issues continue to evolve. Continue Reading →
Survey report September 22, 2021
Controversy and Consensus: Perspectives on Race, Religion, and COVID-19 in Public Schools

At a time of rapid cultural change, Americans continue to debate what students should learn about race, sex, and religion. While the public broadly supports students learning about America’s complicated racial legacy, political divisions persist. Democrats are far more willing to defer to teachers, while Republicans want a much larger role for parents in education decisions. Continue Reading →
If it takes a village to raise a child, what happens to parents when the village goes into lockdown? Continue Reading →
Survey report July 9, 2020
The Parents are Not All Right: The Experiences of Parenting During a Pandemic

Parenting during the pandemic placed a huge burden on those with children at home. Mothers (especially single mothers) have experienced a decline in mental health and are especially anxious about sending their children back to school. Continue Reading →