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CommentaryAugust 12, 2020

What Happens to Parents When Community Spaces Close?

If it takes a village to raise a child, what happens to parents when the village goes into lockdown?

CommentaryJune 27, 2020

Trump’s in Danger of Losing Some of His Most Faithful Voters

It seems clear that Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis has hurt him politically. The AEI survey finds that the public has become increasingly critical of Trump’s response to the pandemic, even among his most loyal supporters.

CommentaryJune 16, 2020

Many White Americans Are Ready to Reopen the Economy. Black Americans Aren’t.

Not all Americans are anxious for businesses to reopen. In fact, there is a fairly stark divide among white, black and Hispanic Americans on the subject.

CommentaryMay 28, 2020

Does Biden Have a Problem With African American Voters?

Data suggests Biden may be underperforming with black voters when compared with recent Democratic presidential candidates. If that is happening, it may be because younger black Americans don’t support him as strongly as their elders.

CommentaryMay 22, 2020

Religious Americans Agree on Limiting In-Person Services, Split on Returning to Worship as Usual

Majorities of Americans remain concerned about COVID-19, and it’s unclear what in-person religious services will look like.

CommentaryDecember 12, 2019

Millennials are Leaving Religion and Not Coming Back

Millennials are more likely to say they they have no religion as they are to identify as Christian, as evidence mounts that today’s younger generations may be leaving religion for good.

CommentaryOctober 8, 2019

Joe Biden Has a Serious College-Voter Problem

The former vice president has faced challenges shoring up support among a key Democratic constituency: college students.

CommentarySeptember 18, 2019

The Christian Right is Helping Drive Liberals Away From Religion

Liberals have been leaving organized religion in high numbers over the past few decades. Blaming the Democrats doesn’t capture the profound role that conservative Christian activists have played in transforming the country’s religious landscape.

CommentaryAugust 20, 2019

Could Trump Drive Young White Evangelicals Away From the GOP?

Trump has found young white Evangelicals harder to win over. For many older white Evangelicals, Trump’s vigorous public defense of conservative Christians remains the most compelling reason to support his reelection.

CommentaryAugust 4, 2019

The 2020 Presidential Election Could Come Down to College Students and That Could be Trouble for Trump

Trump is not terribly popular on college campuses. What matters is how students feel about the political environment and their potential to affect it.


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