Showing 41-50 of 125 results
Line chart showing percentage of Democratic vote for women and men age 18-29.

Short ReadsNovember 18, 2022

A Growing Gender Divide Among Young Voters

Young voters were key to the Democratic Party’s surprising performance in the 2022 midterm elections. However, there was a pronounced gender gap young voters’ candidate preference. Nearly three quarters (72 percent) of young women voted for a Democrat compared to more than half (54 percent) of young men, an 18-point difference. After Dobbs, abortion became

At Orange Bowl Stadium, immigrants demonstrate their patriotism during what could be the largest naturalization ceremony in American history. c. 1984 (GettyImages).

CommentaryNovember 18, 2022

How Hispanic Americans Think About Work and Identity

If we want to understand the evolving role of Hispanic Americans in American culture and politics, one useful on-ramp is studying Hispanics in the workplace.

A cartoon of three miniature persons sitting on another person's hands that has shrubbery on them.

CommentaryOctober 31, 2022

The New Workplace Gender Imbalance: Social Capital and Job Satisfaction

New data suggests gender and education are the difference between liking and loving your job. But there’s a price to be paid.

A line graph showing percentage of white evangelical Christians who identify as Republican, Democrat, or Independent from 1998 to 2022

Short ReadsOctober 26, 2022

The Political Transformation of White Evangelical Protestants

White evangelical Christians have been an important Republican constituency for years, but their partisan commitments have undergone a remarkable change over the past two decades. In 1998, only slightly more than half (53 percent) of white evangelical Christians identified as a Republican or said they leaned towards the GOP. Twenty years later, more than three-quarters

A cartoon showing a vibrant office from the ceiling view.

Survey ReportOctober 25, 2022

The Social Workplace: Social Capital, Human Dignity, and Work in America

Over the past two decades, American social and civic life has been on an undeniable downward trajectory. New research finds that the workplace remains an increasingly important generator of social capital in the wake of this civic contraction.

A stacked bar chart showing percentage of registered voters who would prefer the Democratic or Republican candidate in the 2022 elections for Congress categorized by young men and young women.

Short ReadsOctober 7, 2022

A New Gender Divide Among Young Voters

A New Gender Divide Among Young Voters: For the last several decades, young voters have generally supported Democratic candidates over Republican candidates, often by considerable margins. But now, a new poll finds an emerging gender divide in the candidate preferences of young voters. Young women voters prefer the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate by

Area chart showing percentage of Americans who are white evangelical, black evangelical, or Hispanic or other Evangelical from 1999 to 2021

Short ReadsOctober 7, 2022

The Decline of White Evangelical Protestants

The Decline of White Evangelical Protestants: White Evangelical Protestants have exercised considerable influence over American politics and culture for decades. That may change. A new analysis of Gallup trend data finds that their numbers are declining rapidly. Over the last 20 years, the number of Americans who identify as white evangelical Protestants has fallen from

Dumbbell plot showing percentage of Americans who believe certain issues are critical separated by All Americans and young women. The issues mentioned include abortion, inflation, climate change, gun policy, crime, unemployment, public school curricula, immigration, and funding for public schools.

Short ReadsOctober 7, 2022

Abortion is a Critical Concern for Young Women

Abortion is a Critical Concern for Young Women: Of all the issues driving young female voters to the polls this November, only inflation comes close to rivaling abortion. Young women today are 25 points more likely than the general public to rank abortion as a critical issue, marking a major shift. In addition to expressing

Photograph of pro-choice protestors holding signs

Survey ReportOctober 4, 2022

Gender, Generation and Abortion: Shifting Politics and Perspectives After Roe

In the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the issue of abortion continues to garner widespread public attention. Young women are following the debate over abortion rights closely and more intensely than other Americans. How will it affect their vote in the upcoming election and their approach to politics?

Bar chart showing percentage of Americans who say they would be comfortable or uncomfortable drinking unfiltered tap water in their home.

Short ReadsAugust 31, 2022

Black Americans Don’t Trust Their Tap Water

A storm and flooding in Mississippi has left tens of thousands of black residents without clean water. As a new water crisis gains national attention polling reveals a chronic crisis in confidence among black Americans when it comes to their water supply. Nationally, nearly seven in ten Black Americans say they would be uncomfortable drinking


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