In The News February 12, 2021
Essential Politics: Republicans aren’t going to convict Trump. Voters don’t want them to.
Evangelical Christian Republicans are more likely to embrace conspiracy theories. One explanation? Their affinity to Trump. Continue Reading →
In The News February 11, 2021
Half of Republicans say that the Capitol violence was mostly antifa’s fault
In The News February 11, 2021
A majority of Republicans still view Biden’s election as illegitimate, a poll finds.
In The News February 11, 2021
A ‘scary’ survey finding: 4 In 10 Republicans say political violence may be necessary
In The News February 11, 2021
Survey: More than a quarter of white evangelicals believe core QAnon conspiracy theory
In The News February 11, 2021
Poll finds nearly 40 percent of Republicans think political violence is justifiable and could be necessary
In The News February 11, 2021
White evangelicals are more likely to believe in QAnon than any other faith group, poll finds
Survey report February 11, 2021
After the Ballots are Counted: Conspiracies, Political Violence, and American Exceptionalism
The January 2021 American Perspectives Survey looks at post-election sentiments, beliefs in conspiracies, attitudes toward political violence, political segregation, and general feelings toward the United States. Continue Reading →