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What’s Behind the Divide Between Young Men and Women in the U.S.?
Dan Cox joins Lydia Saad, Director of U.S. Social Research at Gallup, to discuss the growing ideological divide between young men and women, drawing on Gallup trends dating back to the 1990s. Since 2016, young women have shifted significantly left, driven by issues like abortion and LGBTQ rights, while young men have increasingly leaned Republican—often drawn more by Donald Trump’s appeal than the party’s platform.
A Valentine? In This Romantic Recession?
Dan Cox and Kelsey Eyre Hammond join the 538 Politics Podcast to discuss recent survey findings about young Americans’ romantic experiences. The conversation explores the decline in marriage and its broader impact on civic life, as well as young adults’ pessimism about online dating as a way to meet potential partners. They also discuss how growing political polarization between men and women is making it harder for young adults to connect and form relationships.
Gen Z’s Gender Divide Goes Beyond Politics
The gender divide in American politics is widening, particularly among Gen Z voters. Dan Cox sits down with Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report to discuss the roots of the gender divide, its potential longevity, and its broader implications for future elections. Cox sheds light on how gender influences Gen Z’s views on politics, culture, and social issues, marking a shift from previous generations.
The Growing Class Divide with Dan Cox of the American Enterprise Institute
Dan Cox joins The Ross Kaminsky Show to discuss findings from the 2024 American Social Capital Survey. The conversation explores the growing class divide in social connections, including how lower-income Americans face fewer opportunities for meaningful relationships due to declining opportunities for civic engagement. Cox underscores the role of social networks in improving life outcomes, from health to financial stability.
Daniel Cox on the Growing Gender Gap
Dan Cox sits down with Tara Henley to discuss the widening political gender gap among young Americans. While young women have moved sharply to the left, prioritizing issues like climate change, gender equality, and racial justice, young men have become more politically alienated and have shifted right. Cox and Henley explore generational anxieties, cultural shifts like #MeToo, and the urgent need for empathy and understanding in navigating these divides.
The Impact of Voter Apathy on the 2024 Election | The Penta Podcast
Dan Cox joins Bryan DeAngelis to discuss how the 2024 election is instilling a sense of political pessimism among voters. They discuss how issues like reproductive rights, immigration, and party politics have shaped voter apathy ahead of a highly consequential election.
Why Women Have Become Much More Liberal Than Men | Modern Wisdom
Groundbreaking research by the Survey Center on American Life reveals that the political divide between men and women has grown considerably in recent decades. Dan Cox joins Chris Williamson to discuss how we got to this point and what implications this may have for American politics.
Exploring Generational Labels, Values, and Culture Shifts | The Penta Podcast
Join Dan Cox and Kelsey Eyre Hammond as they delve into recent Gen Z trends with Bryan DeAngelis and Lauren Wolfson. Tune in for an insightful conversation on how technology and social media have shaped this generations’ experiences and attitudes towards work, social trust, and activism.
Press Play with Madeline Brand: 4 in 10 Republicans support the use of violence if leaders can’t ‘protect America,’ says survey
Based on an online poll of about 2000 Americans, nearly 100% of Democrats surveyed say Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, but nearly 70% of Republicans surveyed felt otherwise.