Survey report June 16, 2020
Hardship, Anxiety, and Optimism: Racial and Partisan Disparities in Americans’ Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 and American Life Survey finds that most Americans do not think life will return to normal until 2021. Financial hardships have hit many households, disproportionately affecting minorities. Continue Reading →
Data suggests Biden may be underperforming with black voters when compared with recent Democratic presidential candidates. If that is happening, it may be because younger black Americans don’t support him as strongly as their elders. Continue Reading →
Commentary May 22, 2020
Religious Americans Agree on Limiting In-Person Services, Split on Returning to Worship as Usual
Majorities of Americans remain concerned about COVID-19, and it’s unclear what in-person religious services will look like. Continue Reading →
Donald Trump has defied expectations throughout his short political career. Heading into the 2020 presidential election, most polls suggest that Trump is a slight underdog, but he still retains the ability to command attention and drive the media narrative today. Incumbency offers powerful advantages, particularly when traditional campaigning may be limited. However, one of Trump’s chief assets Continue Reading →
No one should underestimate Trump’s chances this year — in fact, before the coronavirus outbreak most Americans said he was likely to be reelected. Continue Reading →
Despite clear partisan gaps in views about the coronavirus outbreak, where Americans live is shaping how they respond to it. Continue Reading →
In The News April 4, 2020
More prayer, fewer donations: How the coronavirus is changing people’s religious habits
Survey report April 2, 2020
Fear, Frustration, and Faith: Americans Respond to the Coronavirus Outbreak

The March 2020 American Perspectives Survey finds that young people are most likely to have hoarded supplies and reveals a large partisan divide in opinions on how the federal government and Donald Trump handled coronavirus. Continue Reading →
When it comes to the coronavirus pandemic, younger and older Americans are not responding so differently. Continue Reading →