In The News October 29, 2021
Latter-day Saints maintained social connections better than others during pandemic
Survey report October 20, 2021
Public Places and Commercial Spaces: How Neighborhood Amenities Foster Trust and Connection in American Communities

The COVID-19 pandemic forced Americans across the country to reconsider their residential priorities. Today, many Americans would prefer to live in small towns or rural areas rather than denser urban neighborhoods, and they are more likely to prioritize personal space over access to community amenities. The report investigates the physical and social features of local communities that Americans value most. Continue Reading →
The August 2021 American Perspectives Survey explores how much say parents and partisans believe parents, teachers, and legislators should have in deciding what is taught in public schools. Continue Reading →
In The News October 7, 2021
COVID Cases Among Children Are Declining. Has the Back-to-School Surge Peaked?
In The News October 5, 2021
School officials raised alarms about threats, disruptions at meetings; We need to listen