Survey report April 27, 2022

Politics, Sex, and Sexuality: The Growing Gender Divide in American Life

Daniel A. Cox, Beatrice Lee, Dana Popky

An illustration of the side profiles of four people. From left to right: a young white man with blond hair, an older Black woman with short, curly Black hair, a young woman with tan skin and black hair with a blue streak, an older man with darker tan skin with curly grey hair and a mustache.

The nature of gender differences is a source of enduring debate in American society. The divide between young men and women is growing larger over sex, sexuality, and politics. Men spend more time playing video games, watching pornography, and report a greater interest in politics, while women are more likely to pick up a book or meditate. Continue Reading →

Blog April 14, 2022

Jewish Religious Exceptionalism

Samuel J. Abrams

Blessing and preparing matzah in preparation for the Jewish holiday of Passover.

Data from the Survey Center on American Life’s new American National Family Life Survey reveals that while Jews heavily embrace cultural traditions such as foodways and festivals, their levels of engagement with conventional forms of religious practice, such as regular worship and religious marriage ceremonies, are much lower than national norms. Continue Reading →

Commentary April 10, 2022

Stop Blaming Young People for Leaving Religion

Daniel A. Cox

An African American teenager male attending church.

Much of the decline in current religious commitments can be traced back to the way young adults have been raised. Continue Reading →

Survey report March 24, 2022

Generation Z and the Future of Faith in America

Daniel A. Cox

A cartoon drawing of a church. Inside of the church is a pastor looking at empty pews.

The religious and social experiences of young adults today are entirely different than previous generations. New family dynamics and parenting choices are reshaping the religious experiences of young people, setting them on a very different trajectory than past generations and making Generation Z the least religious generation. Continue Reading →

Blog March 14, 2022

Americans Are More Optimistic Than You Think

Samuel J. Abrams

United We Stand sign on American Flag

Groups facing prejudice in the country today are among the most optimistic about the nation’s future. Continue Reading →

Blog February 22, 2022

Crime, Policing, and the Racial Divide on the Left

Daniel A. Cox

A white man holds a sign reading "DEFUND THE POLICE" in red lettering at a protest.

In the wake of George Floyd’s death, “defund the police” became a rallying cry among many liberal activists. Even so, the movement never really caught on among the establishment wing of the Democratic party. Certainly, rising crime had something to do with this: The FBI found that the murder rate increased roughly 30 percent between Continue Reading →

Americans who pass up an opportunity to go to college may pay for it in the long run, and not just in their paychecks. Continue Reading →

Blog September 27, 2021

Public Still at Odds About LGBTQ Issues in Public School

Daniel A. Cox

A rainbow drawn in chalk on asphalt, surrounded by chalk.

Even as gay and lesbian issues have slipped from national headlines, public attitudes on LGBTQ issues continue to evolve. Continue Reading →

Blog July 29, 2021

What Matters for Living a Fulfilling Life

Daniel A. Cox

In a parking lot against a pale blue sky and dark blue metal wall, two young women laugh and smile while one sits inside of a shopping cart while the other pushes the cart.

The June American Perspectives Survey offers some clues as to what Americans believe is truly necessary for living a full and rewarding life. Continue Reading →

Commentary July 6, 2021

American Men Suffer a Friendship Recession

Daniel A. Cox

Silhouette of a young man standing outside an apartment window

After a prolonged period of social isolation, Americans are dusting off their social calendars. But as Americans try to rebuild and reconnect, a new survey conducted by the Survey Center on American Life finds that the social landscape is far less favorable than it once was. Continue Reading →

Survey Reports

Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre Hammond
January 29, 2025

Romantic Recession: How Politics, Pessimism, and Anxiety Shape American Courtship

A new report by the Survey Center on American life finds that safety concerns and declining trust are reshaping modern dating, leaving many singles feeling pessimistic about their prospects. Sharp gender divides in attitudes toward dating apps, trust, and relationships reveal how these challenges are redefining the search for connection. Continue Reading →

gender divide banner

Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre Hammond
September 24, 2024

The Politics of Progress and Privilege: How America’s Gender Gap Is Reshaping the 2024 Election

Americans are increasingly divided on gendered issues. A new report by the Survey Center on American Life provides context for how these divisions might impact the results of the 2024 Presidential election. Continue Reading →

Daniel A. Cox, Sam Pressler
August 22, 2024

Disconnected: The Growing Class Divide in American Civic Life

Disconnected: Places and Spaces presents new survey findings that suggest Americans are less connected than ever before. Continue Reading →

Daniel A. Cox, Kyle Gray, Kelsey Eyre Hammond
May 28, 2024

An Unsettled Electorate: How Uncertainty and Apathy Are Shaping the 2024 Election

A survey of more than 6,500 US adults focused on the 2024 presidential election reveals a pessimistic and unsettled American electorate fractured by education, ideology, class, and gender. Continue Reading →